Posts by admin

How to Cancel My Timeshare

Purchasing a timeshare property looks like a good idea after the signing of the timeshare agreement. Many people buy timeshares they think and were convinced were credible investments. But that’s unfortunately in near most cases a very bad move, as timeshares aren’t investments in the customary sense, and they rarely offer the distinctive remunerations that other investment options offer such “real” estate or bonds or stocks. Read more…

Timeshare Resales – Want to Sell Your Timeshare?

Is There Any Value for My Timeshare to Resale It?

Timeshare sales can give you all the variety and diversity when buying vacation ownership from a timeshare company.Then the reality and hard truth sets in, unless you have a timeshare in an exotic location, there is no value to your timeshare. Despite an Internet search and seeing companies that offer to list and sell your timeshare, the truth is most have trouble giving them away and they can be found often times on Ebay for one dollar, yes a timeshare you may have paid tens of thousands for is literally worthless, selling for $1.00. Read more…

Licensed Timeshare Attorney vs. Timeshare Cancellation Companies

Over the past few years, the timeshare industry has been hit by many fraudulent deals all over the world. As a matter of fact, timeshare fraud has turned out to be one of the top scams globally, and qualified timeshare attorneys have dedicated their time and resources into protecting the public. Various timeshare Attorneys have received and legally handled various complaints about timeshare resellers who are lying by means of deceitful real estate practices. Read more…

Are Timeshares Really Worth It?

What Is a Timeshare?

A timeshare, also referred to as a vacation ownership, is basically real estate program in which a domestic property is allocated to many owners who have bought the ability to use the property for a specified duration of time.Recently, the timeshare industry has been plagued by unethical developers resulting in unethical timeshare cancellation companies who have deployed similar deceptive, high-pressure, tactics that have tended to lure customers for timeshare cancellation. Potential purchasers have been given all types of freebies and promised amenities that have never occurred. Therefore, I think timesharing is not worth enough and would advise purchasers to request for timeshare cancellation since it has had an overall bad reputation. Read more…

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